I took a lot of time to decide between WanogR and Santro. Luckily I bought santro. Feeling lucky to drive Santro in city like bangalore where traffic situation is worst. Instead of buying a new car , at the end I decided to buy kind of new car, meaning second hand with very less KMs done. I bought 11K done XO (top end and fully loaded ) in 3.3 lhk. 1 yr old. Few ppls said I could have negotiated little more. But even after 1 yr, I will say I got good deal.
When I went to dealer to check the kundali of the car. He said "sir this car is very good, but why are u buying a second had car, u can spend 70k more and buy new santreo XL".
My answers are :
1) I want fully loaded XO with 4 power windows , the new one cost 4.3 lkh. Plus 12K more for music system.
2) In city like bangalore buying new car is a curse. U never know where it will get dent. After all I am very emotional about my things.
3) Less insurance and also I will driver little rash since its not new car.
4) Also may be if I will not like this car, I will sell off and buy another one. (since I am not expert in driving in india )
+ve points abt santro :
1) most of the times I though my car will not come out from the mess in traffic...but every time some how due to good turning radius I am the winner.
2) nice and comfortable interiors. specailly when u will compare with wagon R. some how I felt that the quality and palstic used in wagon r is not good. ( I am comparing with cars of same range)
3) almost no maintainance
4) noice level is less in side the car when u close all the windows (again comparing with other small cars)
5) E-rlx is very good technology. I am getting benefit from that. even it works good in dirty roads.
6) AC is very good.
Now some -ve points.
1) some how I felt that when I switch on AC power goes down like any thing.
May be it happens in my car. but to me it matters a lot.
2) also power stearing is not as good as maruti products. but who cares about this.
3) Milage is some were around 13.5 in bangalore. I wish to have it 15 at least.
(remember now a days bangalore only has traffic and traffic signals, 60 is the highest speed here, that too u can drive in 60 for few seconds only)
4) when 4 persons sit, I see a dramatic decrease in pick up. again its possbile that it happens with all small cars.
All over for new small car buyers. This is the best choice. TRUST ME. U WILL NEVER REGRET.
I personaly feel that if Hyundai will introduce some new variants of SANTRO like LPG or CNG, I am going to buy that .
Hope this will help.