This is my second review on my new Verna Petrol (1.6XI). Its 4 months old and has run 5200 Kms. I was not that happy when I purchased this beauty due to various reasons like
1) Dealership was not impressive
2) Mileage was around 9-10 which was way away from what was promised(15+)
3) Not impressive plastic finishing of interiors
I had a crush on Honda City (VTEC) as it was way ahead in many aspects (Aesthetic features) compared to Verna. Some of them are :-
1) I would say Cockpit is "Jannat". Steering wheel is a joy to hold with that Honda logo..
2) Interiors are excellent and appealing
3) Exterior look is sleek and attractive.
4) 1 Km Extra mileage
5) Electronic PS in City as compared to just power steering in Verna
6) Dealership and respect to the customer is appealing.
7) Interiors completely garnished with Leather finishing
8) ABS comes as default and not as an option as its with Verna.
Reasons I went with Verna
1) Cost as City is 2 lakhs more than Verna 1.6XI.
2) City has EPS which is very good for city driving, but is very scary when u are on long drive with ur machine runnig at a speed > 100 KMph.
3) Vehicle is not at all stable at speeds more than 100 KMph
4) Engine is very less responsive once you cross 120 KMph. They quote a maximum speed of 175 Kmph but I think its just impossible on this machine.
5) I use my car only for long drives.
Finally, I decided to go with Verna due to above reasons and it comes at 7.15 lakhs as compared to 9.5 lakhs (City - VTEC)
During early days, Verna never delivered what was promised. It started off with mileage of just 10 KM/lt of petrol. Had few minor issues with Plastics and also wheel making huge noise while turning.
All these issues were addressed in my first service, thanks to the service engineers. Since then, it has started to improve on mileage with every long drive.
1) As per service technitian, it will touch 15 km once engine crosses 7000 Kms and Engine oil is replaced. As of now, its giving 12-12.5 per litre when filled in British Petroleum bunk. After second service, I can easily expect mileage of 14-15 as Engine oil and oil filter would be changed.
2) Initial pickup is too good. Once you cross 50 Kmph, easily you can jump into 5th gear.
3) AC is quite good, I always run at minimum AC and it fills the cabin in few minutes... I could see a bit lag with AC when u are trying to overtake or step up the throttle.
4) You can turn the vehicle effortlessly at a speed over 100... It wont drag or pull aside when u drive it Zigzag in todays Highway traffic. My old Santro used to send spine-chilling effect when I turn at this speed. :)
5) Seating comfort for the driver is very good. Getting inside the car is very easy as the door opens almost 80 degrees to the vehicle. Leg space is quite good. Added to this, 2 levels of Verticle adjustment gives you atmost comfort. Shorter people should pull the seat completely front to have their feet on the pedals (My wife has same problem).
6) If you like long drives and dont like anyone overtaking you, Verna is your mate... You can challenge any vehicle at any speed. Only vehicle which has given me tough competition is Innova. All others will just eat your dust.
7) Vehicle grip and control at high speeds is very good. NO need to panic if you are braking at sppeds > 100. Dont miss on ABS as it is very important for your safety. With new vehicle, you wont feel the need of it. But, once wheels start burning and wears out, ABS is a must. Steering is very stiff at higher speeds. I have hit 170Km/hr speed and gearing to reach 200....
Few things which needs to be taken care of :-
1) Head lamp bulbs needs to be changed. It comes with a 40 watts bulb. Go for a GE bulb with 100 watts.
2) Worst part about this machine is "Keyless Entry". It does not come with a buzzar and u cant fit an external one to this. U need to install entire AutoCop package on this. Without which u cant be sure whether your Car was locked or Unlocked unless you are watching the indicators. This Keyless Entry feature has just one button for "Lock" and "Unlock" there by causing confusion about the status. If the car is locked and if you press the button again thinking the car is not yet locked, it will unlock. U need to be in front of the car whle operating this. If you are in front of the car operating these keys, I dont think there is any need to have a Keyless entry feature.
3) Plastics inside the cabin is not well finished... Most of them have vents in Closed state.
4) One strange thing I have observed is that If you have Clutch pressed completely and trying to turn the steering to extreme right or left, Steering rod will touch your feet making you feel uncomfortable.
5) It has a rear heater for the glass but not a wiper. I think wiper would be easier and better when u are driving in a hghway during heavy rains.
6) Rear view while backing off is very bad as in most of the vehicles.
7) 2nd gear pickup is very bad. Gear ratio designing could have been better. 2nd gear starts pulling only once we cross 2000 rpm and in most of the cities u cant maintian this high RPM while you are crossing a hump or driving in a bumper-to-bumper traffic. Many a times I shift directly from 1st gear to 3rd gear as 2nd gear has minimum impact at lower RPM. This was complained during 1st service but nothing much changed.. :(
I am very happy now with my car when it comes to performance, driving pleasure and enthu to take drivers seat. But, Honda City still steals my attention with its Style and interiors. However, looks are dependable on ones own taste.