I have picked up a Hyundai Verna Xi1.6. Its a great car. For somebody like me who loves the great pickup and thurst, its the car to buy. The interior could have been slightly better but still I find them the best in its class(Its subjective though).
The Shocks are a shocker but I guess the other cars in this segment are no great shake either. Ive put 11K KMs in a span of 4 mnths , I have driven it all over North India and taken it to as far as Jammu and hilly areas of Uttranchal and its been a fabulous experience. Its pick up in the hilly areas is amazing and its always the first one off the blocks at red lights. Mileage is not great 12 at best in the city and 15 on the highways. Ive not checked the Diesel version. Its a great car. Go far it.