Verna is an absolute delight . the power and pick is just wonderfull
and soo are the sapcious have a nice pampering feeling
inside the vehcile.
looks:- stylish looks from the front and not soo nice look
at the rear. Inetrior is just wonndeful when
comapred to other cars in this segment.
drive:- drive was indeed wonderful and plaesured oone. hydraulic
ppower steering not as great as electronic one available in
marutis. nice ultra smooth engine and very good power and pick upp
which means I need not chnage gears always but like the petrol vehicles.
Milage:- You will get around 13-14 in the city and around 17-18 in highway
Safety:- noo airbags aavailable as option but only ABS is availble for another 22thousand more.
features:- the base version VGT Crdi lacks some features that are
available in Fiesta ZXI(diesel) like elctric adjust Outside Rer Vuew
Mirror(ORVM), remote keyless entry, and driver seat hieght adjust.
Maintenance:- Servcing cost will be much cheaper compared to the service of ford fiesta.
Overall:- overall a good car for ppeeple who doo more than 1300 kms a month.