After reading so many views about verna petrol vtvt on web I want to share my views with u hope my viw wl helps u a lot so without waiting a minute lets cm on the point ..
I own verna vtvt xi last year and I m very happy with my choice as honda city is the biggest rival of it let me tell u the all pros of verna petrol over honda city.. The first factor comes in my mind is the cost its simply 1.5 lakh rs cheaper thn honda nw count urself with the fuel economy of 16 on highway and 13 in city u wl drive 39500 km approx with verna..
2nd factor both have vtvt engine honda called it vtec but the main configuration is exactly same "vtvt=vtec", lets cm 2 interiors verna also have the classy interiors as honda , no one can say that verna has poor interiors, the bhp of both cars is 100+...verna also hv all the goodies which honda hv so dont waste ur moneey... its precious I m nt saying that honda city is bad car bt I m saying that if u r getting the same thing in less cost thn why to waste 1.5LAKHS save ur money my frndz.. So dikhawe pe mat jaoo apni akal ladao.. rest upto u nutshell VERNA is KING in petrolss too