I have recently picked a hyundai verna sx abs from gautham ofdsc hyundai . it was altogether a very good experience for me, this being my first car. I had more well wishers telling me what to do and what not. I have no idea on what car to buy , so I started shopping around for all the brands car. I havent find any person who had a clear knowledge on the cars. expect this guy gautham, he was very helpful in choosing me a correct car for my usage. I really felt very thank ful for him, he arranged for a very good and competitive finance and more importantly a good service which every one will look for.
now my car is almost 2months old , I had coverd more than 5000 kms, been to Bangalore and pondy few time, wow I love this car. I am very happy on choosing this verna. and in case any one is in a dilema on deciding the car , just meet gautham , I will recommend that much for sure.