Sorry for the delay in review. I was just waiting for sometime to drive this car. Touch wood, so far nothing major bad things happen. Well, my review will be completely unbiased for any brands. My review will be on the basis of few aspects and points given to each brand on the scale of 10 considering 10 will be given to the best brand in each and every aspect. From here on wards, I will follow with SX4, CITY and Verna.
I think following things matter (in a broader sense) while you go to purchase a car:1.) Engine Performance: Verna 10, SX4: 9.0, City: 8.0. Reason: No doubt, Vernas 16 V, DOHC and CVVT technology petrol engine gives Verna an edge among all. PICK of this car is very good. I have drove it on Greater Noida expressway, 150 was like so quick. I was able to catch anything on the road. Regarding SX4, engine is very good. SX4 has 16 V, DOHC with some M series technology.
But, PICK UP is not as good as Verna. In fact inside CITY (e.g. TOWN) also Verna picks up very quicly after applying break. This advantage really gives a very smooth and comfort driving in city with verna. ABout honda city, I will say engine is not so good. In acceleration, you will feel, it is trying to pull something. With 77 BHP, its like old lion.2.) Handling: City 10, Verna 9.0 , SX4: 8.0. Reason: I had taken test drive of all three cars before purchasing. Believe in me CITY handling is very smooth and sophisticated. You will never feel that you are drving such a long car.
EPS assisted power stearing is very easy to handle. Clutch peadel and RACE peadals are very smooth. Verna, has not as good as HONDA CITY in handling. But, its nothing bad also. You can say, it is not the best. Regarding SX4, its handling could be better than Verna but, because of its huge ground clearance makes this car unstable. You ppl know very well the concept of center of gravity, concept of torque and the physics behind toppling one object.
Bascially, due its high ground clearance its center of gravity is bit more above the ground. So, a simple turing and U turning could be dangerous with SX4 on high speed. I have drove Verna to Fatehpuri, CHandni Chowk, Indian Gate and Express Way. You cant believe that as I am totally a new driver, in spite of that my car has not got a single scratch at Chandni Chowk. I can easily stop my car and then accelarate it very smoothly and quickly.3.) Exterior: City 10, Verna 7.0, SX4 5.5. Reason: No doubt, CITY has a better look then others two.
Honestly saying, among sx4 and Verna none has a so appealing look in this segment. Phir Bhi, Verna looks better than SX4. I have seen both cars at the same time at ATTA market. There, I have decided that I wll not go for SX4. In fact, unless until I was not able to see tires of SX4, I was not able to say that its a CAR. I dont know why they have designed like this. Verna looks better than SX4 and in fact in Passion red color, it is simply WOW.
4.) Interior: City 10, Verna 7.0, SX4 7.5.Reason: Qality of seats material, seats, Plastic used in dash board are very good in CITY. If they take money then, they give good quality of interior.
Truely speaking guys, VERNA interior plastics are not at all good. Looks like, they have assembled this with some cheap plastics. Stearing horn plastic makes a little sound like (kattttttt) when u press it. Hyundai has shown its cheapness here. have seen SX4 plastic materials, its better than Verna. In fact seats also better. Verna has given, some wood appearance in the interior. Honestly, hyundai is simply making ppl fool saying that its wooden finish.
Dont go with this word at all. In Verna, they have given few intellegent space here and there. Its very good. 60:40 back seats are very good and useful sometimes. AC of all the three cars are very effective. Passangers at the back seat also feel very comfortable. Shocker quality of Verna is not so good as CITY. You will feel the jurk though. SX4 is just behind city.5.) Safety: SX4 10, Verna 7.5, City 7.5.Reason: I admire maruti that they have given INDIANS a respect considering that we have also the human value and we also believe in this.
Otherwise, Hyundai and Honda they simply think that there is no human value here. This is the reason, they hardly bother to provide Air Bags, ABS etc. in fact in their highest version. AIR BAGS matters at a very high speed. In fact HONDA NE TO HAD KAR DI. They have not bothered to give FOG lamps, in fact at the highest version also. And, you know for 1 pair of fog lamp they charge 18 K. Shame on HONDA.6.) Durability: CITY 10, Verna 8, SX4 8.5.Reason: CITY provides the best in the matterial quality and with best technology. In fact, its car has a very good resale value after 5 years also.
I feel, maruti also does well in this regard. Although it is not as good as City. But, maruti cars also last long. Hyundai, is not so good in this regard. But, not bad also. I am hoping that it should not create much problem after 5 years. Lets HOPE FOR THE BEST AND PREPARE FOR THE WORST.7.) Running cost, Maintenance and Re-Sale value: City has the mileage of 12-14 in city, Verna has 10-13 in city AC on, SX4 has 11-13 in city AC on. Maintenace of SX4 is very simple then Verna then City. Re-sale value is best for Honda then SX4 then Verna.
I will say, Hyundai must refine its engine to give more mileage.
Now, you ppl were thinking that after so many things why I have chosen Verna. I have not opted honda because, for more money to take SOHC engine (which is 10 years old technology, on which Accent was coming and now hyundai is gradually stopping Accent production.) is not worth. Jahan tak interior ka sawal hai, Verna interior is not so bad. It is also good. SO, I have left CITY.
Regarding SX4 everything is good but, its outside look is not at all good. As, I said earlier IF YOU WILL NOT SEE ITs FOUR WHEELS unless until u would not be able to say that its a CAR. So, I have left the choice of SX4. How exactly anyone can say that A JAPANESE SUMO HAS A MUSCUILINE BODY. Huh!!!!! simply rubbish. Here, I want to say one thing, if for someone, exterior look does not matter than go for SX4 in this price.
But, if you have anything in your heart with repect to exterior look then I will say dont break ur heart and go for Verna. If you can put more money then go directly for CITY V-Tech (not below V-Tech). If, you can go more and more then blindly go for HONDA CIVIC.
Last line, if u want to impress your GirlFriend dont buy SX4. Truely, it does not give the feel of younger generation. I will simply cry at my BoyFriend over SX4. HEHE....Plz, also read the comments which are given by me and other users. Its very helpful.