To buy a car is big decision and you need to be updated regarding ever model available in your budget. Maruti is no 1 seller but no diesel sedan and dezire is a forced sedan on India. Next comes Hyundai they took risk only to give better product and they become successful. Just drive any 10 year old santro it will still leave any car of that level behind. After so called research I took their Verna diesel Sx VGT. The car is simply rocking with zero problem. With 1000 rs diesel it shows about 850 km trip just fill it and forget it.
AC is awsome no need for vents here and there. On highway it will leave every under 15 lakh car / suv dead.So its value for money.Verna is solid. In India people shun diesel car on a generalized opinion that diesel demand more driving, maintenance, costly parts , service . But ultimately to drive any sedan with AC on and on petrol is like having water in a five star hotel means they will charge you a sky. And if Indica no 1 car in taxi segment can have no problem till 1.5 lakh km so buying Verna just imagine have fizz drink in five star and at mrp.Service is very economical and hyundai dealers are located in ever nick and corner of India so no worry just fill shut and go around