Im waiting for new releases.i hesitated before buying this book because this author was new for me.but it is proved to be best book.niw ved nishad is one of my favourite author.
I have read many stories many books but not like this.its a beautiful romance book.there is nothing predictable, nothing will never know what is going to happen next.the most beautiful part of the book is conversation between pratoganist dev and anindini.its so real, so natural that you will be easily relate with them.
I have read the most famous book in bangla , but I felt more depth in this will laugh, you will smile and you will cry reading this book.i don't want to reveal the story in my review
Beautiful qoutes and suitable words decorate this book sensibly, making the feeling so real in it.
While reading this you have a tour to are a you will pray for was like watching a blockbuster movie watching again and again and you will never get bore.