I M 24 is a very funny n romantic upcoming movie that seems to be liked by everyone. The Film is all about our day today life activities.
Plot :
Saying the truth was always difficult , and lying is much simpler . Shubendu lives by the tougher option. But when this honest, 42 year old balding writer falls in love with a 22 year old beauty queen, he is tempted to lie. Whats more, his jerk of a room mate, Gagan, who swears by the magic of lies, helps him cook up stories.
What follows is a hilarious ride of lies, cover-ups, goof-ups and contradicting tales. Shubendu begins enjoying this ride. Why didnt he know that lying was so much fun?! But at some point, the madness has got to stop. The question is: When?
This Saurabh Shukla directed romantic comedy will touch all hearts, both young and old.