I bough Andi 3.5 K K E one day to gift it to my wife and son who love playing games on the mobile esp death moto. It was the first smart phone bought by me for Rs 3900 with bill from retail shop. After a months use it fell down from a height of 5 ft . Its display cracked into pieces. The outer display was intact though.
I was in my home town near Lucknow. I just returned to my place in Ahmedabad and gave it for repairing to the authorized service center. It cost Rs. 600 and it was returned to me within a weeks time. On 23.5.14 morning the external display cracked on its own without any external pressure or fall. It was simply lying on a soft surface. No one was near the mobile.
I sent it to the service center, the same day, a month has passed the phone is at service center only. Every week I call same lady under different excuses the part is not available call next week. Very poor service of I ball center. I had even tried call the Head office by no one is picking the call. Who ever is reading this review never ever buy an I ball product they dont care for you. The mobile is not durable.