A cordless phone by IBM! Must be very good! That was my initial reaction. Plus add to that 2.4 GHz Digital Spread Sprectrum, for secure conversations. All these look very good on paper. But in reality, I found very little difference between an ordinary cordless phone (43MHz and 900MHz) and this one. It looks good alright and is pretty small. There is also a little static in the background while speaking. Though it doesnt cause much of a hindarance. Range is not bad, as much as a regular phone. about 400 - 500 feet. Good, but expected more because of the 2.4 GHz technology. Another thing is the batteries. You cannot find them in India. Even in the US, you can only order one online or mail order. So my advise - Although a decent phone with rugged construction ( has fallen 5 - 6 feet on several occasions, with no side effects) doesnt quite justify the 2.4GHz tag. You are better off with a Panasonic/Sanyo/ Toshiba/ Sony/ Siemens...