Joining IBM Global Business a waste of time and energy..they don’t get good projects maybe due the high cost quoted by the pre-sales team, the per diem is peanuts; During travel you are forced to stay in hotels, avoid the complimentary morning breakfast and asked to cook noodles and also wash your laundry in coin machines. The knowledge level of the People Managers are pitiable, real contributors to the project are overlooked and salary perks and band promotions are mainly given to those whose language or native state is the same as the Project or People managers.
A typical example is the Core Banking consultancy within the FSS ( Financial Services Sector) where most of the managers are ex-Bank Clerk’s who lack expertise in project management and technology knowledge and who openly claim that in their career, counting cash at the Bank was their biggest experience. These managers query from their resources about technology and technical aspects and present the white papers under their name. Later they get the due credit and recognition for it. The number of resources on bench are a little high and the resource deployment managers (RDMs) knowingly allot most of the benchers to projects unsuitable to them.
In most of the cases these poor benchers are told to join the project or else face the pink slip.