HR policies which looks very attractive & mature are really very-very away from practical implementations. Even if you have all the evidences with you regarding a wrong doing at work place...HR will never help you in that case also. There are couple of dead links like concerns & appeals but same applies to that.
People manager being the most corrupt position in this organization... as people manager can do anything to anybody...irrespective of any logic. You even cant ask any proper you will never get a chance to know what to do to make success happens to your career in IBM. People manager most of the time take benefit of their positions to make all the corrupt practices to let people down & favor few people ....that favoritism could be based on gender, place, caste at some times.......All what I said may or may not applies to IBM sofware labs & Research labs.....but very much applies to IBM India pvt ltd....Please dont join this company if you really want to do something worthy in your career.