This is with respect to an excellent blog post by Ms Ghosh at
Here she observes that Hindus consider all muslims as terrorists.
She says that Hindus readily accept that a Muslim can be a terrorist.
My point is that how can a journalist of a reputed channel like IBN, write such communalist statements.
Will this not lead to a further rift between Hindus and Muslims?
I have tried to counter he arguments by citing examples.
Its immaterial who the culprit is, Hindu or Muslim, Law is Law- Justice
is Justice. A criminal is a criminal first, then he can be a Muslim or
a Hindu.
We Indians are already divided of the name of cast and
religion, a small spark to lead to a 1992 or a ghodra; at least the
so-called responsible journalists of IBN should not add fuel to Fire. I
believe that a journalist should be sensitive enough and handle these
matters delicately.
I believe that they write such provocative posts
just to gain cheap popularity. Just look at the comments to her post,
they clearly reflect a division between Hindu and Muslim comments. Ms.
Ghosh you have succeeded in creating yet another rift between Hindus
and Muslims.
I request you all to come together and tell them that we will not take this crap from them anymore.
Please write your own views about IBN blogs.
Please read the entire blog here and leave your comments.