I wrote the IBPS online exam for special officers on 16 march 2013.Frankly speaking , this was one Hell of an exam, too much of mess !!!
-> In spite of having lots of engineering colleges in bangalore itself, they are alloting exam centres far off places from bangalore [my case & many more]
-> Why in the first place did they ask for exam center preference then ??
-> This is how they allot centers -
a. first allocate all the girls their desired exam locations i.e engineering colleges within their selected
b. secondly, the left-over candidates are allotted to engineering colleges away from their choices (even out of state in some cases, mine was 145 kms from Bangalore)
c. I could not see even a single girl out of the 300 people who wrote exam in my center
-> IBPS maintains the worst timings for their exams 8:30 AM & 1:30 PM
-> Once you enter the hall, then the real pain begins -
a. you will be told to wait for 1 and half hours more than the defined timings [ 8:30->10 AM & 1:30 ->3:00 PM ] for the online exam to start
b. imagine, a person[8:30] would have come thinking that he could finish off his exam altogether by 10:30 and then have breakfast, a person[1:30] would have come thinking that he could finish off his exam altogether by 3:30 and then have lunch , only to know exam will start a couple hours later - HORRIBLE
c. all the candidates were frustrated to the core, sit in front of the system & do nothing for 1 hour - how frustrating ?
I have written HAL online exams, the process was SMOOTH as butter.
really IBPS is a pain , they dont know how to handle , a big epic FAIL !!
Yet I am recommending IBPS exams because , no other option left :-(