STORY: The furry, prehistoric gang find themselves in a new adventure this time around, when they find out to their horror that a giant meteor is set to hit Earth in just a matter of days. This of course, would put an end to life on the planet by causing mass extinction. And what caused the meteor to head to Earth was the sprightly and frantic Scrat who in the pursuit of his acorn, set off a chain of events that led to this. Its up to Buck(Pegg), Diego(Leary), Sid(Leguizamo) and Manny(Romano) to save the planet and of course, themselves too.
REVIEW: To start with, there is the prologue involving Scrat(but of course as no Ice Age movie would be complete without him) and his desperate efforts to safeguard his food source. But then again, its like a never-ending effort as no matter how hard he tries, the nut only stays in his grasp for a few seconds. Its a delight to watch him.