Hi Guys, ICFAI hyderabad is one of best b-school in india. It provides one of the best curriculum for management education. ICFAI have very qualified full time faculty, they help you in gaining experience in practical life.
Now if you are planing to take admission in full time MBA, you need to crack IBSAT Or score more than 75%ile in CAT. Second round is of group Discussion and Personal Interview.
With my personal experience hostels are not a great place to live. It is situated 33 Kms away from main city of hyderabad. Most Important if you opt for ICFAI hyderabad total costing of two year MBA will be around 15 Lacks( 12.2 L as course fee+ 60k/ Sem hostel fee). Average place is of around 5.5 Lac. So You cant reach break even after working for two years(Forget about inflation, Interest rate.).
Traditionally, students who have working experience get better placement in ICFAI, They do bring 150 companies approx. Competition is much higher because of 1200 seats in full time MBA.
Overall student who wants to study in rigorous course curriculum also have enough money to spend, they can join this college.