If you are looking for a degree or education never go to ICFAI, If yoy have lot of money and you dont mind wasting it then go to ICFAI, yes , they have quality, AC rooms, customer friendly staff etc, But teachers are quite young and untrained.
Just see How much money ICFAI is spending on Advertisement, probalbly their ad spend is like Coca cola and pepsi, ..Do a education institute need such ads?....
And they sold CFA degree without authorisation and those who paid thousands of rupee for CFA feel that their money has gone down the drain !,
Ask them how many ICFAIan are employed in ICFAI itself !
and there is no specialisation, though they say they are a management Institute they sell everything for which there is demand (without proper recongnition), they have chain of education institution which sell BBA, MBA, CFA, DBA and has Institute for vendors, retailers, accountants, teachers and in future they many start one for judges and generals too!