Look at their website , it hides more than what it reveal !, They do not publish the results, Its like a defence dept site . everything is confidential! .You have to shell out money even to get old question papers.This extereme secracy create lot of suspicion about the institute. They do not have permission from bodies like UGC , AICTE etc to run courses.
Apart from that lousy service, the institute is in the thick of controvercy. we do not know when it will close down. Recently a petition seeking closure of ICFAI center came up before the Madras High court,
The Madras High Court has ordered notices to the University Grants Commission, the All India Council for Technical Education and the Tamil Nadu Government, on a public interest litigation petition seeking the closure of Institute of Chartered Financial Analysis of India (ICFAI) study centres offering full-time academic programmes without permission.
Few days earlier On 4 August, the Delhi High Court ordered an interim injunction against The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI). The court ordered the Hyderabad-based organization to cease using the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, ICFAI, Chartered Financial Analyst and CFA trademarks by the end of the current academic session of ICFAI. Further, the order recognizes that CFA Institute has exclusive ownership rights to the Chartered Financial Analyst and CFA trademarks.
They were selling CFA degrees without proper licence, Imagine what business ethics can they teach !.