Now this is my second year of LL.M. with specialisation in Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Law. Both are new subjects in the field of Laws. I am verymuch satisfied with the services I am getting from the ICFAI University. They send my courseware through courier. Examination process is very systematic. We get our question paper sealed in a plastic bag. Bag is sealed as well as question paper is also sealed. We have to download our hall ticket or admit card from their website.
After examination within a months time we get our results online and we have to take the print of marksheet for our record. After completion of 1 year University send us Official transcript of the marksheet. Unless and until one clears the first year official transcript can not be issued. We have to give two papers every three months. So we get ample time for study the subject.
Now I am preparing for my 2nd year and if things go well I will finish the 2nd year in the month of April 2005 only i.e. within 18 months I will get my master degree.
I will suggest that if you are getting 3-4 hours weekly to just read the books, then you should go for any master degree of your relevant field.
ICFAI University is really a professional university.