ICFAI is a really bad University which is there just to earn money and give out useless degrees having no recognition anywhere. Here are all the harassments that I have faced at the hands of ICFAI:- Bad administration - no correspondence about examinations, due dates are placed really close together so that you miss them and then pay late fee.- No books provided - no courseware provided on time. - For everything that they do, they will ask you at least Rs. 200. This is the most nomial fee. They will charge you upto Rs. 2000 for re-counting or for giving feedback.-
There is no response by the authorities on issues like non-disbursal of marks, no activity by the administration etc.- Once the margeting guys sell you the material off, they will nvere pick up your calls to respond.- Deliberate failing in examinations so that you can take furture examinations (this has happened with a few of my colleagues at the ICFAI MBA programme in Bangalore).- Forcefully making you cough up entire fee amounts even after you dont wish to continue teh course.- You can never withdraw from the course, you have to pay the amount or they file legal action against you.