I have first hand experience with this so called Business School ( they are really into business of grabbing money from students who cant clear CAT).Do you know the marketing executives have a target of selling number of applications ??They make crores just selling application formsComing to the standards of the students.Any TOM, DICK & HARRY can make it into the ICFAI Business Schools.
IBSAT is a joke5 % of students are good and intelligent.rest are duds ( usually rich spoilt kids with no brains who cant get into IIMS)Do u know the fees ofr 1 & 1/2 year course is 6 lakhs ( this was 4 years back)They have I think around 12 branches all over India and they take as high as 2000 students per centreSome of the faculty are good - but most of them are part timers. Materials are mostly cut and paste job from the best mgmt articles and training material.Mostly these 5% intelligent students get into good MNC"s with high salaries.
ICFAI builds a hype on the 5% of students is that there is 100% placement with high salaries.The rest DUD students expect too much from the placement department.they will reject any 10K salary saying they deserve IIM status.if you just speak to these DUDS - you will know that they will not get a peon job anywhere.ICFAI will then place them in business organisations they run exclusively for these DUD students.
They will pay them 15K or something. There will be no work and these DUDS will quit in 6 to 10 months making way for the next set of DUDS.So if u are rich and wanna have a ball go to ICFAIIf you are serious about MGMT studies& if you dont clear CAT, you can do them in good colleges.You have better scope as the ICFAI degree is not a degree but a diploma credited by their own university somewhere in chattisgarh or uttaranchal.( you know about the issues involved)
For your informationICFAI was planning an Engineering College ( based on BITS model) , Medical college)maybe when the political climate is convenient you might see ICFAI Engineering & Medical Colleges mushrooming all over the country.you can speak to ex- ICFAIANS who are not biased and will find out what i say above is trueSB