ICFAI is looting the students on the pretext of providing education. Recently Delhi High Court has banned ICFAI using the same name or similar to it. They have no Govt recognition no approval from AICTE. They fileCriminal Cases U/s 138 of of Negotiable Instruments Act in Hyderabad for recovery of balance fee against the studnets who leaves ICFAI in between when students find the third class education being provided to them without any Govt. Authority etc. Students, never be trapped with ICFAI. ICFAI is fraudulently giving admissions in various courses some of them have never been heard before. They are investing huge money in advertising only and not giving education.
Dont waste money and time in taking admission in this Institute. Dear Students you can confirm the from http://www.aicte.ernet.in you can also see the judgment in http://www.judis.nic.in in which ICFAI has been banned using the same name. My brother was very hard working and intutive student who is now an ex student of ICFAI is facing litigation in Hyderabad Courts and living under mental trauma due to this institute. Now we have filed a case in Consumer Court against this fraudulent Organisation in Delhi. Pls contact me for more information which my Lawyer has gathered against ICFAI by mailing me ravi4chi@rediffmail.com I am ready to share it with students.