Hii friend I have account in icici bank I have banked with stanc, HDFC and Axis and loat of other banks. but I can clearly say without ambiguity that icici corporate internet banking is worrest site because I have experenced. the corporate banking site has been mede idiots crooks who just dont understand what a customer whants and how he should quickly get here.
A. CONTINOUS ACCOUNT STATEMENT- I can only get monthly account statemet and not continous statement. its such a thing that big bank like ICICI is unable to provide. B.TRANSACTION FOR CURRENT MONTH-its struggle to find out if I have to see the transactions of this month.one has to toggle thru various screens to reach the page displaying current transactions.they must see how quicky I can see that in stanC. C. CALENDER-the calenders open the at the top left hand cornner and is verry small.its they learn the look and feel of the site from the new commerce playeres who provide much bigger fonts.
D. POOR LOOK AND FEEL-it seem the has been designed by people who have not done enough test runs with a connen man as a center point.most of the commen transactions are not intuively provided for new users.they should learn and benchmark like CITI BANK.
E.ACTIVATION OF INTERNET BANKING TRANSACTION PASSWORD-The transaction does not end there once you get the transaction password in your hand. you have to physically go to the bank and give an application to activate again they will not accept on the telephone banking or thru OTP or thru any digitial chennel.may be they want the RM and his head hung in schame.
G.COMPLAINT THRU INTERNET BANKING-I cant put a complaint thru internet banking module but can just put a limited service request.outside of that I have to send a request again send a letter to the bank.
H.CANT GO BACK THRU THE BROWSER-you cont press the go back button on the chrome browser.the system logs you out.that seems the bank useing outdated technology.
I.ALLOTMENT OF A AN RM-the bank allot a RM only if my relationship value increases.i want increase my balance till I am comfortble with the bank services.my various request to the bank for alloting an RM falls on deaf ears.its a chiken and egg story
J.NOT OPTIMISED FOR CHROME BROWSER- The site is not optimised to the chrome browser.you have to toggle right and left from the bottom bar to see the menu in age of mobile banking.its supprising the site is not optimised foe chrome I dont know who it is IE. I can write more such horror stories of inrenet bankng with ICICI but will stop here. it has harassment to bank with ICICI bank.i got my persnol account closed but unable to close my coeporate account yet but will do so at the earliest.it stcks to do current corporete internet banking with ICICI.
if you are small start like me or a very internet savvy person so dont bank with them for your account needs. you will harassed for small things and will be required to run to the branch for every small thing.