I As Customer Inform Customers Immediately- ICICI
What ever may be the rating of the business magazines and the like - but mine for the Bank is at the Zenith among all the Banks. Definitely , it is the best in all- it created a culture a cardial work culture , dedicated itself for its customers. Its the same bank which innovated new business bank rules and made the law of inertia failed for the governement banking sectors. A revolution has already creeped in and it will soon be in our vision. But with all good there is also an evil attached and the evil sometimes is an hamprament to its success. There is a definite need for hem to improvise theri startegies to Loan processings- Fake things and untransparent deeds dont sustain for long. So enjoy the services of the Indias best banking and financial Institution and you will very soon be very comfortable and I extend the acronym as "I call it Customer Identical"- wonderfully it works to make things so standardized yet very customized in all sense. It works perfectly- it enhances , in away , in a turn, the economy and finacial conditions and development of our country.
Dr. Samta Jain