This review is more about awareness then bank service. I recently received a shocking email from one of my friend through which I come to know there is Fraud site is running parallel to ICICI Bank. Which look identical as orignal site. Even it is using certificate from same third party authority ie Veri sign.
When you login to this site you will feel same as orignal. Even when you enter your Account ID and password it will give you correct information about your account. Let me explain you more about how these site work .
Customer ->>>login credential->>Fake Website->>>Database and stored-To make you feel like you are on orignal site they login on your behalf ->Orignal site using your creditial
Now going through that website I found some stricking difference and that I like to share with you all as I want you guys to be safe your hardcore earn money.
- Instead of https used by all secured site( bank) its uses **http
2. **Pad lock icon is missing . To all who dnt aware of Pad lock, its lock sign you will see on most of secure site beside internet icon at right bottom corner of page.
- The both url look very much identical except the fake one has(%20) at end.
I would like you people to check your self and verify.
The wrong one
Actual ICICI Site
I have formally informed ICICI about it and waiting for their feedback over this issue. As soon I get any update I will update you guys about it.
Have safe banking.!
This is the worst phirshing scam ever seen.