Never even think about ICICI for Personal Loan at all. Their service is pathetic. That too, If you need quick personal loan, you are dead. The average time taken even to let you know the status of whats happening with your personal loan application is 1 month. Customer care guys have no idea if you have applied for the loan and bank branch folks are least bothered to even talk decently with the customer.
Just a glimpse of events happened for availing personal loan:
Applied through ICICI bank web-site, (Online application) doesnt work at all. Try it for FREE.
Contacted ICICI Customer Care to get contact details of Personal Loan executives.
Called them and found out they are the same folks of apnaloan.
24% interest ... would you go for it ?
Took all the documentation. No response for 15 days.
Sir, loan approved, keep all the PDCs ready ... collect PDCs after 15 days.
No update till now as to whats the status.
Overall the experience of banking with ICICI is indeed very bad.