Well as most of ICICI Customer I too have found that the Customer Service of ICICI Has been going to Southward Direction since I opened my 3 in 1 Account in year 2001 . I am happy with the Innovations and the agreessive ness they have in terms of Technology usage as I user there icicidirect.com & icicibank.com Regularly infact daily . But there Customer service is pethetic and when u deal with them it feel they can make any national - govt bank look far better . To my surprise they dont have any cordination between their own Department the Executives representing the Face of the BANK dont know much about their own products and at many times they dont even recorgnise the Services rendered by there channeled Dept like in my case I opened a 3 in 1 account which had life time ZERO BAL SAVING ACC as its used for online trading on icicidirect.com to my surprise the ICICI BANK Does not have this Their DATABASE and everytime they debit me Charges and when I put my case witht ICICIDIRECT people they are reversed back maybe in months time . The email received from ICICIDIRECT.COM regardign Confermation that my ACCOUNT are zero Balance is just not recorgnised by Service Branch of ICICI Bank in my case Mira Rd branch .
I am Sad the bank I was so proud of is loosing its Fundametal of Cusomer service I should say they ahve worst cordination I have ever seen in any bank and no customer service at all