Well... My best bet on bankin will be SBI. why? Coz of all hidden costs ICICI charges... the latest one is for the bank statement ...
ICICI wants Rs.110/- for a 2Rs print out??
(how can one charge money for statement of my own account?)
Customer service:absolutely poor: wen I asked for reasons about charging money for statement, she gave me long list of reasons n rules, which ICICI never disclosed earlier n were added much later of opening the account. Moreover, the lady was on fight mode wen I said that I ve never been informed earlier about the rules (read list of rules) jus quoted by her.
In a nutshell... banking with ICICI is not a pleasant experience at all, on contrary staff at nationalised bank is getting more affable. This is just one incident quoted, there have been many such earlier, n the last is gud enuf to close the account.