7th march, 2007, On Friday afternoon I had deposited a cheque at kormangala branch, Bangalore, given directly in the counter. But still it is not credited to my account. When I deposited the cheque the icici employee said it will take 2 working days and by Monday it will get deposited. But was not credited.
When I call up the customer service, She said it will take three working days and by yesterday morning it will get deposited. yesterday it was not credited. And again when I call up the customer service, your person says, that the account belongs to a female and he will not proceed the call.
I am holding this for past 2years, till now no one has said that this account belongs to female. I tried to explain him still he is not listening. This is one issue
Today when I called up the customer service they said it will take 4 working days.Shocked.
*The second is the amount from the canara bank has been deducted. As on date, I don’t have money in my canara bank as well as ICICI bank. This is second and main
The third is I have a home loan and personal loan from ICICI and the cheques came yesterday. They got bounced stating that no funds.
From past couple of
months, the ICICI service has degraded a lot. If we go for depositing money to the bank, they say put in a cover and will be updated in 2 hours. I did that last month, they took just 26 hours to update to my account. They stopped taking in the counter.
One simple question I
would like to ask here, why do we go to the bank directly to deposit, only if it
is very urgent. And if you take one day to update, what will be the use.
I am very
much unsatisfied with your service, even my family members also facing problems with their icici accounts, they are not able to provide the basic services, It is easy and benefit to close all my accunts, I, e savings, homeloan and d-mat. To be franks, Savings, I don’t require at all, it is just for personal loan, home loan, I can
shift to SBI, they are requesting from past one year and that to with less interest, D-mat, I can get in
Indiainfoline with 50k credit. where as ICICI doesn;t even give one rupee of credit. So I don’t have any problems I closing these accounts. It is very easy to get in other banks.
Just I want to make aware to all the other users, just check the services of SBI, even if it is a nationalized bank still it is doing great, and you will be cursuing for banking in ICICI.
The customer service always have the reasons like our system is under maintenance or technical problems,