As am Having Saving Account in Icici Bank in Nadan Mahal Road Branch Lucknow.The Customer Service that Icici Bank is Providing is Very Poor and Pathetic.As I had my Saving Account Opened last due to some reasons I wasnt able to maintain my monthly balance of RS 10k into my account.As the account was opened last year in 2016.i wasnt able to maintain balance of RS 10k into my account.But last month as now I want to operate same account I deposited RS 10k as neft.So that I can run smoothly my account.But The bank automatically had detected Rs 7500 from my account as charges of monthly maintenance.So as a customer I went to branch and made inquiry with the Branch Manager but they denied of refunding any amount.So the Service of Icici Bank is Pathetic and Very Bad.So People Before opening your account with Icici kindly know everything about the bank policies and plans which they hide in telling to Customers.