The money swindling had to come to an end. someone has said it right; "you can make fool of someone sometimes but not everyone all the times".
ICICI shrewd ladies management is so shaken up by recent news that broke out in the market doubting their very base of banking. Crowd thronged to the ATMs and branches to safeguard thier hard-earned money.
ICICI sent a mail to all the customers clarifying their stance, telling about AAA rating (where??), 150% capital (must be again a sort of cheating tactic). They have also mentioned that they have good liquidity but you can understand the pain behind writing such message by a bank to all its customer. You can assume how badly they are bleeding with liquidity after people withdrew heavy amounts from the ATMs and through branches. Their branch staff has turned defensive, trying to convince bunch of customer everyday.
Long back I cut-off my relationship with this bank but was very happy to see that more and more people are taking this decision now.
Though RBI is there to protect all customers but it is wise to avoid any problems and thats why beware of this cheaters organization.