ICICI direct trading site stops when ur scrip starts falling and starts again after bottom reached or when in profit they dont allow u to sell and allow u to sell only when scrip falls and u go into a loss customer support sucks they just reply we apologize and this wont happen again but the same thing has been going on for last 3 years is it possible IcicI is making money by such methods or any of thier employees as such a site only stops when u start goin into loss cannot happen every week for 3 years Since ICICI Isa big org How Can I seek compensation.
They have have destroyed my portfolioICICI direct trading site stops when ur scrip starts falling and starts again after bottom reached or when in profit they dont allow u to sell and allow u to sell only when scrip falls and u go into a loss customer support sucks they just reply we apologize and this wont happen again but the same thing has been going on for last 3 years is it possible IcicI is making money by such methods or any of thier employees as such a site only stops when u start goin into loss cannot happen every week for 3 years Since ICICI Isa big org How Can I seek compensation They have have destroyed my portfolio