I have been using this website for the past 4 years. I have used it from Singapore and Uk. For the past 2 years I am facing a strange error "Server not found" while you try...
Thinking this was due to firewall or virus scanner I formatted the pc and immediately tried... but the same error... It takes 50+ tries for me to go through...... Belive me it is quite tough.... If an error comes I have to login again and restart the process.... If I am lucky I will get the 4 pages correctly... else... again and again...
Now I am back in india ... tried today to transfer money., ....Same error.....So please dont waste your time thinking this will work.... I have given this up today and am trying throuh SBIs transfer site.
This happens only for this site... I am able to access my SBI, ABN amro, and HSBC accounts freely from my PC...
I work in software sector and has worked for various banking websites and hence I know it is the problem with the ICICI server settings.... Dont waste your time....