I decided to open an account with ICICI Bank because of their online banking. Applied online (on Oct 21st 2000), promptly got an autorsponder message saying our representative will come and visit you to finish the formalities and collect a cheque. Two weeks after that, no response, so I emailed them...no response still.
Finally, on December 3rd, somebody calls me up and saying Im from ICICI, and when can we send somebody to meet you. I told her Im not interested any more...you have taken more than a month to respond, and I can imagine what your service will be like after I open an account. She said Sorry sir, but our email was all bundled up (God alone knows what that means)
Anyway, finally I said send somebody at the earliest, since I was travelling. She said Tomorrow before 12:00 noon somebody will meet you. And the guy finally landed up at 5 Oclock and I refused to entertain him.
An indication of how good and committed they are to service is a look at their website, youll not get email addresses to contact them.