This Im writing after a very disgusting banking experience from ICICI bank- the largest private bank in India.
I started the account exactly an year before. I didnt have any problem with them for the first six months.
After that they stopped sending me the quarterly detailed statements to my home. I gave a complaint and it is not addressed yet.
Then I started getting hefty fines for not maintaining the quarterly average balance. The first time I got it, I thought it could be true marginally. I have not got the infinity account then, so I could not check it. The fine was Rs 250.
Then I started maintaining a good balance in my account. But for the last quarter I got a fine of Rs.350 for the same reason( not maintaining the average balance). I then had to suspect them and so applied for an infinity account to get it verified. (Im not getting the statements yet). Now after I got it, I checked the average balance and it is much above Rs 10, 000 for the last 3 months, and what they fined me is for not maintaining a balance of Rs 5000.
If you think, Im the only, it is wrong. Even my cousin, I say she always has atleast five thousands in her account, also got fined. I dont know how could they do it. So be ware of these people.
Apart from that, they have a pretty good ATM access and network, although it goes down often.
*Latest addition:-
Hey I got my money reimbursed 3 moths later (after 10 phone calls & 5 direct visits to the bank) & there is no problem later, So Im rating two more levels high & now recommending it.