This is another classical case of how ICICI thinks. Being the biggest bank in india it thinks it can treat its customers as worthless bunch of idiots.
I sent £510 via money to india on 14-JUN-2008 and the money still hasnt reached my India account. I think the way it works out here is you send the money to their account in Loyds TSB account and they will pick the money from them and give you the money in INDIA. I called up their call center and asked them whats the issue. The girl on the other end of line says they dont know and will ask the remittance team to respond within 1-2 working days. After 2 days no response and I call up again and I get an SR number and was asked to wait for another 24 hours. I waited. After 2 days I called the call center and asked whats the status they say they got an update and that they cant trace the funds in their bank account.
Immediately I checked the bank account and verified the bank account details with them. The account details were accurate. They said they wanted the SWIFT code for the transaction and asked me to request my bank. I called up my bank and checked with them if the money has been lost in transfer, but they confirmed the money has been sent to the correct account and they gave me the payment id and other relavent information which I promply forwarded to the ICICI remittance team ( this I did on 22-jun-2008. After this the mess up and poor customer service starts.
After I sent this email I got an automated email telling that they have created a new SR for this request and it will take another 3-4 working days. I didnt understand why a new SR I already had an SR . Again waited. About a week later I called them up again to see whats the status. The lady said the information has been forwarded to the remittance team and they will be back. I said they have not come back on the request. OK sir I will create a new SR and ask for status. Now I have 3 SRs with me dont know which one is the right one and whether any one is looking at this issue. She said she cant do anything apart for sending them a request so I asked them forward this call to the corresponding team and I will check with them and their respose was that they dont have the contact information of the team and hence cant do that so with misery again I kept the call down.
About two days later a mail comes from the customer service desk that they need my bank statement where the transfer details are mentioned. I coudnt understand why they need it, but promply gave the information. Again waited for 2 days. Called them again this was on 15-Jul and they said that the issue is with the Loyds TSB bank and they have given the SWIFT code and we are waiting on further updates form them. I was happy and thought that some progress.
But from 15-Jul till 30-jul its still the same status no update. I called up the call center several times during this period was able to get to the floor manager and the manager. The manager said he will personally look into this issue and will either give me the contact details of the team or give me a firm date when I will get the money and he needed 24 hours. The manager never came back.
I have been in UK for more than 2 yrs and know that the banks doesnt take more than a week for them to respond on a query and these guys are lazy not to follow. The Saga is still continues.
Process blunders at ICICI
1) These people have no respect for the SLA they have or they promise. Even the manager slipped on his commitment.
2) They have this stupid concept of creating a new SR and hence loose track of the case history and I dont know which SR to use now dont know which SR has the correct priority and which gives them the comprehensive case history to reslove the issue. This is just to show in their stats that they have closed an old SR and the SRs are not open for long.
3) Third if the call center are just messengers who read some update by someone then I am better off taking to an answering machine no need to hear their nonsence. Why cant I speak to the department or the person who is responsible to deal with my request. why are they not speaking to me.
4) I gave my contact information (my uk mobile number) to the phone banking officer. When the call went to the sr Phone banking officer she asked the number again. The call went to the Manager he again aske for my number. Finally I get an email from the customer service that they called my INDIA number. what the hell whats the point of giving my information to the call center. No flow of information form within the departments and across the departments.
5) I checked my bank and the money is defiantly in the ICICI account in LTSB. Then why should I wait for more than a month to get my money. They have actually robbed me of my money and feeding me with their story that they are having issue with their corresponding bank. I give a damm if they cant put their supplier in line with their business. why should I be the losing person if they have issue in the supply chain.
If there are any hickups in the transfer friends you are left on your own. So be aware of this and try looking for other banks for M2I.
As for me I am still following up with them and every time I call them they make me look like an idiot.