I believe that quality comes at a price. This bank is no exception, but they dont charge you so much as their quality. I have a Savings Acc at ICICI in Pune an dhave really good experiences. Firstly ICICI has maximum number of ATMs in Pune. It is the only bank which gives real-fast phone banking service. I ave experienced this twice when I had lost my debit card.
Opening an account takes only few minutes and you can begin using it immediately. You get a chequebook, Debit card, internet banking ID and pass all instantly. Best part is you rarely need to go to bank as you get everything right at your finger tips..
Even your cheque-book delivered in your hands !!
Apart from that, ICICI also has collaboration with BOB and IDBi where you can withdraw money at jusr Rs.10 per transaction wherein other banks charge your Rs.23 with no banks an exception. ICICI has 53 OWN ATMs in Pune and 125 Collaborated ATMs making it highest than any other.
You also get quartely statement. FREE monthly email statements !! Bill payments, net banking and money transfer free of cost. Apart from this you get Cash back on petrol if you opt for a particular Credit Card... Isnt that great now ?? What more you want from this bank..?