1) Over the last year especially I have noticed a significant drop in customer service levels from ICICI bank to the extent that it has become a pain to deal with them.
2) Recently I had got a mailer saying that being pvt banking member I could write to headprivatebanking@icicibank.com and share my concerns. I have written couple of mails to this id but havent got any response. I dont know whether this mail box is attended to even.
3) For linking my demat account to my infinity id. It took me 6 weeks.No body has any update - all one gives is a new request no.
4) Write to Account manager option is a joke. There has not been a single instance in last 4 years when the A/c manager (or who ever it is) has responed before 4 days. Its already more than 4 days since my last mail and I have not received any mail.
5) Even if I call the call center and exercise the option 3 for private banking member there is nothing quick or special about the service. I still get transferred a lot and put on hold. For example if I have to know something about my credit card that the person who picks up the private member line ends up transferring me to the credit card queue. Whats the use of this option in such case.
6) What is most apalling is an ICICI bank customer can write to the bank only on things that the bank choses be it password reset or the like. I cant do a free flowing complaint from my infinity log in.
7) The recent battle I am fighting is over a wrongful bouncing of my cheque.
I think ICICI has grown too big and too fast and now it is unable to manage its operations or customer service levels