I have been a customer of ICICI Money2India for almost 3 years now and I use the service regularly. In fact I used to vouch for the service of the same to my friends and colleagues.
I was happy with the exchange rates which they publish on their website regularly. But for last few days I have observed one thing that the actual exchange rate I get on the day of crediting the money in INR in my Indian bank account is significantly less than the one advertised on their website.
I understand the fact that these rates are indicative and they are updated only twice a day and thus DO NOT truly represent the ups and downs in exchange rate market. But I can tell from my experience that ICICI just publishes high exchange rates on their website to get more customers and if you ask about actual less rate you get , they will provide you with stereotype standard answer which is impossible to digest.
For me giving less exchange rate is okay but then you publish the same rate on your website - that is being transparent and honest . I have found SBI Express remit services much better in this respect. They honor the rate that they publish on their website and in most cases even more than Money2India.I have decided never to use Money2India services again.