Indian consumers taken for a ride. Worst bank than a punjab national bank. oops sorry it does not stand anywhere in comparison with this bank. In fact it is worse than any nationalized bank. Perhaps the only bank today which has a more tarnished bank than a govt bank.
I remember the good old days when the add use to come" nice slow music in the background.. ta na na na nananan. tana na nana na nana nannaaahhah... icici bank.. aapka ka swagat hai.."and when u visited the bank u were greeted by nice looking well groomed beautiful bank executive , promt service, excellent decor and maintained branches, sppedy service in fact express service, clear and set codes of conduct no ambiguities, stringent checks and passes, prompt service and reliability and security..all these were the things that used to be associated with ICICI bank.
The fisr major private bank which grabbed the trust of the indian people. and people gave their hear money and trust to it. made FDs , took loans , bought insurances, opened savings and current accounts, signed up for privillege accounts.
ICICI bank made hell lot of cash and profit. from asmall player to a big fish..But soon all of the above good qualities were replaced with bad long drawn service, waiting ques, inefficient and casual officials, inapt informations, hidden charges, exhorbitant fines, fraudalent loan and insuarance selling policies, inconsiderate and impatient bank officials etc etc......
Today I hate the task of even going for a simple task at the bank. even for small querry I have to take slip from the machin( god I hate the machin and the system) and wait an hour or so, just to ask " maam ye form kaise fill karna hai" and just to know that this form has to be filled in certain manner for which I need some documents which I have to go back home and then fill.. so I end up doing a work in 2 hours for which needed 5 mins .
Plus there are occasions when if someone sends u money from abroad, in case there is slight doubt in the bank officials mind, hell hold up the money in suspense account without informing you, it will take you days before u realise that something has happened . u check it with the transfer branc ( like usa) and find everythings ok and then u enquire at ur bank and the ur bank says maam there this and that problem.. am so sorry . just fill this form and well transfer the money in one. we had been waiting for ur approval only. thus the bank ends up holding the money for 5-6 days more than allowed.
There are many incidents like these by whcih icici bank has gone off the limits from the set banking rules and regulations..Iwill not dare mention the loans and insurance business of icici bank.. maybe whole website be dedicated to the complains and grieviences about it. But say the least it is the worst and the best of banking india has seen and I pity to see that the worst has overtaken its best by miles