I was maintaining an account with ICICI bank for the past 5 years. I am always happy with the options available in ICICI. I am maintaining a netbanking, so I havnt been to bank anytime. Only for account opening, I went all other option even opening RD, FD everything can be done from netbanking login itself. I feel its very handy and easy way of banking. Other options like iWish which is similar to opening RD, but we can deposit cash now and then we have amount. Not like monthly we need to deposit some amount. I can deposit 100 this month, 200 next month. So I feel this is one good method of saving.
Other options like busticket, food etc is available on mobile app of ICICI. I feel its like advanced way of banking and easy for all who can visit the bank premises often. 2 or 3 times, I have faced the problem withdrawing cash from other ATMs, I have contacted customer care, within a week my quereies will be resolved and cash will be credited if mistakenly debited from account. ICICI lombard insurance I have tried, but the hospitals avail in that is less, so it will be better if they increase the number of hospitals