Icici is one of the banks in INdia.Recently I went to local Icici branch to opening a new account.But I observed that thae maintenance is very low.BUt the services are good.And the maintenance and looking environment is not good.The minimum balance for opening a account in Icici branch is 5000rupees.BUt due to some reasons, i went to icici local branch to opening a new account.
Then I contacted the ranch manager.He said the total details for opening account.After listening of his words, i understood that icici services are good but some delay.HOwever there are high amount for opening a new account.It is not suitable for middle class families.It is especially for rich and high class families.And they arec ahrging the money for debit card and online services.Compared with State bank of India, Icici is less services.State Bank of India is not deducting the money for services.We are not paying any amount for State bank of India.But icici charges are high.I dont suggest Icici.I always prefer State Bank of India and state bank of hyderabad.And the main disadvantage with Icici is low branches are in indiaCompared with other banks, Icici having less branches in India.This is a drawback foe Icici.