This time I am providing you a comparisons about my banks , Corporation Bank and ICICI.
Corporation Bank is a popular Bank in South India but not that much popular in East India . Now, I am from Kolkata , so why I have this bank ?
From my office I have my salary account on ICICI bank . How good is ICICI bank ? many will say " wow too good , with lots of ATm centres, with lots of feature ....I havent faced anyyyy problem till date..this that like ....sms banking banking ...all these advantages" . Now listen about corp-bank >> too few ATMs in kolkata , very bad banking website { } , charged ATM card ( Rs 50 from the 2nd year ), u can check your banlance through website but money transferring not as easy as icici. again corp bank a/c is not a 0 balance account like icici and u will not get any sms alert ever .
Now , how much you can trust Icici bank ? If you want to have an idea read some other reviews about icici bank . Basically the main difference is icici bank is a private bank so it exists only to make its profit , and the objective of their profit is you .
ICICI bank is not a faithful bank it cheats many of its customers in 100s of different ways .( I know I will be critised heavily for this in the comment section ).And most irretating thing is their helpline . You have to waste you 15 mins until a phonebanking officer will respond to your call and that will not be very fruitful .
The main reason why ICICI bank is very bad is becuase they have the huge number of customers ( now indias 2nd biggest bank).And the result is when you go to your bank for any reason they have a just readymade answer that " CALL TO OUR CUSTOMER CARE AND SOLVE THE PROBLEM". as they have so many customers they always want to kick you out . It is very difficult for anyone to meet branch manager to discuss about any problem ....they have no time . Another problem of this huge number of customer is that A LONG QUEUE in-front of its ATMs. Go to a posh area of any city and enjoy the queue at 7-8 pm .
well they are not so cruel...nowadays one ICICI ATM center have 3 different tellering machine i.e at a time 3 persons can use it . Fine so nowadays there is less rush at rush-hour . NOw am telling you one true incident I saw few days ago . It was a simple incident of electrical failure and the UPS didnt work ...the result is that one person havent got his money although the printed paper said the transaction is OK . I saw him crying because of this . He debited Rs3000 and got 0 . In simple english because of a load-shedding it cost him Rs3k . who knows if you are the NEXT person to have this experience?REally they may have a lot of ATM but these are not well maintained .
Another drawback of ICICI bank is their credit card division . Very few persons are the lucky enough to have it hassle free .
Because of these reason I was looking for a bank which have the following criteria :
1.It should be a Govt undertaken bank at least .< I trust indian Govt for my money >
2.It should be near to my home .
It should have less number of customers
It should have a cirrus based international debit cum ATM card because this is important for me .{ for cirrus based ATM card u have to provide your pin numbers at any shopping mall also so noone can use this just by signing like a visa based card }
And most important point ...At this stage everything is wired ..and I wanted a bank where you can check you a/c balance but u cannot make any transactions . Clearly I dont want to give any chance to any hackers .
Now at Corp-bank I have found almost all of these . The bank is my near to my home , It has a very less number of customers is kolkata and they why If I go to the bank I am always get a welcome . And everyone is somewhat caring. Ok the manager person uses a 15" old B/W monitor whereas the ICICI bank manager uses a 17" LCD monitor but the former person is very good to his customers and he clearly knows the RBI rules and he can suggest what to do and what not to do.
The ICICI bank managers english accent is good , he has a blackberry device also , he wears an imported shirt maybe but he escapes every problem by saying " sorry madam there are certain rules , we need to maintain this that".
Now as corp-bank customer is less you will never find any queue. Another adv.
Now I wanted a cirrus based ATM while corp-bank atm is visa based . what can I do? sometimes you have to negotiate .
And at corpbank the online facility is very less compared to icici bank. u can ck ur balance but cannot make prompt transactions to anybody . which I found very good as I am in IT I can understand how deadly a hacker can be . You think whatever you think but I want my money to be safe.....I dont want to go to much technical jargon that its https....its secure...noone can do anything .
For all these reasons I value corp-bank more than my icici bank, so everytime I got my salary I transfer it to corpbank .