I have an account with ICICI Direct for the past 3+ years. Recently they introduced a password change policy. I had changed the password and forgotten it later. So I guessed, goofed up and the account was locked. The agony started from then onwards.
The procedure for a new password was to request one from the website and they would send it by post. Meanwhile my office had shifted its location and so I went to their office in M.G Road and submitted a proof for address change. My plan was to request a new password after the address change was confirmed. In the M.G Road office I had to deal with a officer who thinks she did her M.B.A from Stanford and has a doctorate in customer support from Wharton. Unbelievable arrogance. I guess she mistook me for a driver who was submitting a address change request on behalf of his boss. The experience with such a wonderful person was also confirmed by my friend who went there on some PAN related query.
A few weeks later I received a mail by courier to my new address stating that the address in their records could not changed because the signature in the request does not match the one in their records. A few weeks after that, I also started receiving a series of SMS stating that all my application documents were damaged in the Mumbai Floods(more than a year back) and that I would need to come to a location in Chennai to fill the same again. I realized the truth.
These guys did not have the original documents at all. **Then why send a false mail saying signature does not match?
Now I could not change my address and could not trade. It was also a crucial period when I needed some money.
Then another guy from ICICIDirect called me and offered to come to my office to get the form filled again. **Then 2 days later he called and rudely stated that he wont be able to come.
I have&logged 3 calls with 2 different request numbers so far -spanning 1 month. Today another VIP in their company called and offered to come to my office. He called me in the afternoon and purposely quoted the old address in spite of the phone banking officer noting down my new address for the visit. Then he said he has a meeting and wont be able to make it.
I have heard a lot of stories about ICICIs goonda culture. I am getting a taste of their service now. Meanwhile Mr K.V. Kamath carries on with his soundbites in every business magazine about being a market leader. I am sure they are on their way.