Where are those great nationalized banks where a 10 minute job could be done in less than a day, Now we have the mother of all inefficient banks - ICICI bank.. normally the ladies are trying to look good
instead of working hoping that one of the heavier account holders would get interested in the unmarried ones. When after waiting for 10-15 minutes AFTER submitting the token to the clerk you attract
their attention by maybe banging on their table they look at you ( why is this guy disturbing me????)
The manager is of the course the head of the branch and the epitome of all inefficiency. he makes you wait for hours under some pretext or the other . The other clerks frequently just disappear for the day while you are waiting at their table - token in hand. after an hour of waiting someone quietly tells you to come next day.
The ATMs dispense less money and the bank goes into a super efficient mode to cover up and say that there is no problem. Of course in this time you have made at least 50 calls. They always say they will
call back but nobody does.
These are all my personal experiences with a branch in New Delhi - New Friends colony. and all this when I am a privileged customer. God save the less privileged ones or maybe these are the privileges they mean.
I too am closing my accounts there the delay is because I am evaluating the others carefully lest it be from the frying pan into the fire.