Savings account/HomeLoan/Credit card.
Call to Customer Care
I was looking for Personal Loan of 2-3 Lacs and called few banks ICICI/Citibank cust care. Both the banks responded very positively during the entire conversation, collected all possible information like my salary/address/family details (Dont know why)/dependents/existing loans/relation wiht bank etc etc. After providing all the information, I thought now I will get the details like Rate of Intrest / EMI but to my surprise, they told me that I will receive a call from their agent in 48 Hrs time.
RESULT : ICICI - I receivied first call from ICICI bank on 9th day.
Citibank - No response even after a month.
Agent Calling
I received the call from Agent on the 9th day. Meanwhile, based on the adv. in newspaper, I called HDFC agent and tried to fix a deal. When agent called, they again asked every ifnormation which I had given to customer care, but then they are different persons. No process in such a huge bank. Anyway the deal wiht ICICI was not done and from my side, I closed the issue.
Agent Calling again and again.
This is another stupid problem which I am facing now. Those agents (with different name/ppl) are calling again and again regarding the personal loan request. Even though I told that I donot want anymore, I am still getting the calls (frequecy 1 call in every 2 days).