I needed a loan to buy a Honda Dio. Since I bank with ICICI, I thought it best to call them up and send me a person. But unfortunately, after looking at the scheme and my financials, I deferred the idea for some time. When I had the money, I thought it was only fair to call up the sales guy at ICICI to process my loan.
The initial phase went off without any hassle. I was told that I would be getting a walkman free for the loan I had applied. The loan took its own sweet time to get cleared. After some telephone calls to the sales guy and ICICI, I was able to see it through and then got the vehicle.
I have been making a call a week regarding the walkman and every time, I am told to call next week. Frankly, at the risk of exaggeration, I think I will end up spending more on my telephone bill than what the walkman costs. And I have the foggiest notiion whether the walkman is going to be delivered at all.
Is someone from ICICI listening?