Given that India has one of the worst customer service in the whole world and lack of tuff pro-consumer laws and their application, we all suffer from various pathetic customer service in different products and services.
Even though I have had a very good banking experience with ICICI so far for the past 7 years, yet I do acknowledge that there would be others with a diametrically opposite views than mine. We Indians love to call this as "luck".
However, if we scratch the surface and try to get to the root cause then it gets to be lack of govt support for enacting and implementing pro-consumer laws like they have in US/Europe/APAC. Its high time we get such laws in place which would then place all customers at par and would also make the companies re-think on their customer service as they would have to pay really heavy fines for any laxity. People of India have to get this point across to these suc*ing politicians somehow.